Restoration of canteen carriage completed
On 22nd of September 2016 we gladly announce that restoration of the canteen carriage BC1-2183, built in 1988, has been finished both internally and externally - the carriage is now pleasant and warming both to the eyes and to our hearts! During the restoration the carriage was fully cleaned from old paint and rust, completely repainted outside and inside the vestibules, and the tail doors were rebuilt for correct operation. Restoration of interior was finished previously, you can find more info here (in Latvian): Noslēdzies KKF projekts - ēdnīcas interjera restaurācijas 1. posms!
We are grateful for the financial support received from Pindstrup Latvia Ltd and State Culture Capital Fund!
Photo: D. Bušs, A. Galītis, S. Tretjakovs
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