News and achievements 2015

Work has gradually progressed further in year 2015 on creation of Baloži peat museumrailway and notable results have been achieved in track repairs:

  • Depot tracks repaired - on first depot track a complete turnout and 8 m of adjacent track section was relaid completely, to safely pass from the depot to the mainline and back;


  • Third depot track repaired - a missing turnout between third and fourth depot tracks was relaid, further 16 meters of tracks were completely relaid;

  • Repaired third track is already used for additional carriage storage in the depot area;

  • Railway crossing with the road passing to the depot area was completely dismantled and relaid (in cooperation with AlBeMa Ltd. and Pindstrup Latvia Ltd.);

  • Mainline in length of 500 m is used for trips with motor trolley, worst places are being completely relaid.

  • First stage of interior restoration works have been finished in the canteen carriage (repairs of walls, ceiling, floor, changing of electrical wiring, with State Culture Capital fund support);

  • Small repairs and inspections carried out to the locomotive/loco tractor (former autonomous electro station) ЭСУ1А-481, and it is used in shunting and road repair duties;

  • Work gradually progresses on restoration of ТУ6А-1885 diesel locomotive - in cooperation with Institute of Railway transportation the reversing gearbox was repaired, work continues on the bogies;


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